I was asked the question recently, Is an anti-slip pan worth it?
Well let's find out
So, when buying a new bathroom, it can be extremely difficult to decide the right balance between necessity, safety, sustainability, and, we can't ignore, value for money.
So when the question does come up about anti-slip shower pans comes up, the customer is immediately thinking , " Hmm, is an anti-slip shower pan really worth it?"
I think, first and foremost, we should all agree that having a shower pan that is anti-slip is always better than having a shower pan that isn't.
So on that level, it's an easy yes.
But, here's why I think it's worth the investment.
If we first assume that it's been decided that an anti-slip shower pan is the correct choice, the question then becomes, what type of anti-slip shower pan should I get?
There are two main types of shower pans that offer varying degrees of slip safety. There's the type with an integrated anti-slip surface and those with an applied coating that prevents slipping.
The anti-slip properties of an integrated pan are actually built directly into the shower pan itself. So this ensures that the anti-slip feature does not degrade over time or with use and will provide a very reliable level of anti-slip that you can absolutely depend on. This feature and I think this type of pan, is especially important in commercial settings where consistency is crucial.
Alternatively, shower pans are often coated with a paint or stickers after being manufactured. These coatings are usually cheap and can be applied even after the shower pan is installed. However, they can have some problems as this type of coating needs to be reapplied regularly, which means that the expected level of anti-slip performance can vary depending on where you are in that lifespan of the coating.
But, when deciding on which type is correct for you, timing can play a huge role in that decision.
If, for example, the shower pan is already installed, replacing it may not be that cost-effective. So, in this case, the only option left would be to apply a special coating or slip-resistant stickers to the shower pan. However, you need to bear in mind, that cleaning the shower pan may become time-consuming, and again it will be necessary to reapply this coating periodically. But despite this inconvenience, it is still better than risking a slip in the shower.
If the bathroom is being renovated, there are now options. You have the coating or sticker option but you also have the option of installing a shower pan with an integrated anti-slip system. This would provide a higher standard of anti-slip surface that would last the lifetime of the pan. Now this type of anti-slip pan will be more expensive, but the pan will then offer better anti-slip properties with fewer drawbacks than an applied coating.
So, back to the original question, is an anti-slip pan worth it?
As many people start the consideration of an anti-slip shower pan after experiencing an "incident" that has perhaps made them feel a little insecure while taking a shower.
This could be a close call while showering, or hearing about a friend's fall, or an injury, and subsequently, their own confidence is then in doubt, while standing in the shower.
So, to immediately enhance the safety of a current bathroom, the only options are to purchase a sticker, anti-slip paint, or some type of coating that can be applied to provide additional grip to the surface of the existing pan.
If you're renovating a bathroom, it's important to choose the right shower pan.
If safety in the shower is a top priority, well then it's worth investing more in a high-quality, integrated anti-slip solution. Without doubt.
This type of pan will provide a high level of safety and confidence without any of the drawbacks, such as frequent reapplication or difficult cleaning.
If on the other hand, the budget doesn't allow for a top-of-the-range anti-slip shower pan, or if other priorities take precedence, then as before, an applied coating can be a great alternative.
Either way, get an anti-slip shower pan
Because you're worth it.